Monday, 18 December 2017

Christmas Crafts

Our P7/6 class have had a wonderful time making their own Christmas wreaths in order to decorate our classroom.  The wreaths also tie in with our Religious Education focus on Advent around the world.  Merry Christmas!

Friday, 24 November 2017

Mrs. Hunter's Art Masterclass has been very successful with the children from the upper school producing some first class artwork.  Sunflowers (Vincent Van Gogh), Concentric Circles from Kandinsky and this week some Scottish artwork will be studied and reproduced by our budding artists.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017


P7/6 have had a great week writing imaginary stories about Halloween.  The class have incorporated spooky vocabulary and they have produced excellent, imaginative stories about Halloween ghouls, ghosts and of course zombies!  Creativity and imagination to the forefront - keep up the good work!

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Judo Taster Session

On Tuesday afternoon pupils in Primary 7/6 enjoyed a Judo workshop in partnership with Active Schools.  They had lots of fun and learned some Judo techniques. 


Thursday, 5 October 2017

Story Starts - Big Writing.

P7/6 had a wonderful - Big Writing experience as a result of incorporating the wonderful resource Story-Starts from Teacher's T.V.  A short, narrated clip was shown to the class and the children used this stimulus to carry on the story in the same style as the narrator.  Collaborative planning was to the forefront with the children completing their stories next week.  Keep up the hard work P.7/6.

Friday, 29 September 2017

International Day - Spanish focus.

Primary 7/6 enjoyed a wide range of Spanish activities and resources to celebrate - International Day on Tuesday 26th September 2017. The children learned new Spanish vocabulary, consolidated what they already know namely - colours, numbers, family and greetings and in mental maths we added and subtracted in Spanish.  The highlight of the day for the children was when they composed a letter to an imaginary Spanish Pen pal incorporating some Spanish vocabulary - well done P 7/6 and adios for now!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Maths Week Scotland

Primary 7/6 had a fabulous time participating in Maths Week Scotland.  They enjoyed completing a variety of Maths and Numeracy activities including Outdoor Maths, Maths Games, ICT and STEM Challenges.


Sunday, 5 March 2017

How Can I Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - Idea 1

Here is an easy way to recycle old crayons.

1) First you collect any old crayons and snap or cut them into small pieces.

2) Place the pieces in random colour combinations (or you could use same colour combination if you wish) in a silicone mould tray.

3) Place them in an oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 5 - 10 mins until the wax has melted.

4) Carefully take the mould out and pierce any air bubbles with a cocktail stick.  Try not to mix the colours too much here.

5)  Leave them to harden for 30 minutes.

6) When hard, pop them out of the moulds and you have new colourful crayons.

*** We will be selling boxes of our recycled crayons at our fashion show on March 15th. ***

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Art and Crafts Club - Week 3

This week we could finally create our finished jewellery pieces.  Having left them for a week to dry meant that they looked great when we strung them into our chosen designs.  We made a mixture of bracelets, pendants and chokers.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Real Life Maths

We had to create a large sign for our fashion show.  Mrs Torney showed us a mini version of the letters which had a length of 6cm and a breadth of 4cm.  She said that we were to use the ratio 1:7 to create a bigger sign so that it stood out.  We knew that for every 1cm of Mrs Torney's letter we had to make ours 7cm so our letter had to have a length of 42cm (6cm x 7) and a breadth of 28cm (4cm x 7).  Here we are making our letters and the finished sign.

The letters had to have silver circles stuck onto them so that they looked like marquee letters.  This meant that we had to remind ourselves of how to use a compass.  We had to create a circle using the ration 1:4.  Mrs Torney's circle had a diameter of 2 cm, so our circle had to have a diameter of 8cm.  We had to half the diameter to get the radius which we used when drawing the circles with a compass.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Arts and Craft Club - Week 2

This week we were painting and decorating our beads with acrylic paints, metallic markers and nail varnish.  We have left them to dry and will put them together next week to make our finished jewellery pieces.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Science with Miss Tolland

P7/6 have been having hours of fun learning about the human body and the sensory organs with Miss Tolland.  They recently completed an experiential learning task where each group had to produce a sensory experience for all of the other groups.  Here are some pictures from the day.